Call for Proposals: We are seeking ComNet19 Breakout Session proposals that share fundamentals, strategies, tools, research, and big ideas in communications.
Each year The Network gathers 900+ folks in the social sector for three days of connecting, learning, and leading at our annual conference. Breakout Sessions are led by talented professionals in the social sector willing to share their experiences in communications. Their knowledge, dedication, and creativity continue to make ComNet a conference of excellence.
Interested in submitting a proposal? We’re eager to hear about the latest tech tools that help you do your job better. Or how you’re thinking about issues like race, gender, and equity. Tell us about a comms failure you learned from. Teach us how to start a podcast or incorporate storytelling into our work. Show us how to raise awareness. Share the best ways to demonstrate leadership through communications. Help us maximize our impact on social media. Walk us through your internal comms strategy. Tell us about the evaluation methods you rely on. Help us learn how to change attitudes and build a movement. Give us your best communications hacks and insight about running a top-notch comms shop. What are you working on or what do you know that could help others in the field? That’s what we’re hoping you bring to ComNet19.
The deadline to submit a proposal is 11:59pm ET on Friday, March 1, 2019.
You can expect notification about your breakout during the first two weeks of April.
Breakout basics:
Breakout Sessions will be offered in the morning and in the afternoon on Thursday, October 3, 2019, and in the morning on Friday, October 4, 2019.
Breakout Sessions are one hour long — with at least 15 minutes designated for questions.
Breakout Sessions are led by organizations like: The Clinton Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Lincoln Center, the Ford Foundation, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, National Museum of African American History and Culture, Pew Research Center, and the Brookings Institution.
Breakout Session Proposals MUST include at least one presenter who works at a nonprofit or foundation.
Proposals must be submitted by 11:59pm ET on Friday, March 1, 2019. Presenters will start to be notified if their proposal is accepted the week of April 1, 2019. All proposals will receive notification by April 15.
Breakout presenters are required to register for the conference (at the discounted speaker rate) by COB Friday, May 31, 2019.
Breakout presenters must have open communication with their Breakout Coach. A Breakout Coach is a member of The Network who will be assigned to your breakout and act as a mentor, sharing advice, and guiding you through the planning process.
What you’ll need to complete the proposal:
Your/Additional presenters’ contact info
Nonprofit/Foundation involved in the session
Session title and description
3 key takeaways from the session
1 category for the session
The identified audience
Session format (presentation, workshop, panel)
Presenter(s) headshot(s)
A successful session includes:
A clear description. Have you set the expectations for the audience? Does your description accurately reflect what you will teach and what the audience will learn?
A narrow focus. Please plan to deeply explore one topic, and avoid trying to cover too much in an hour.
Tangible takeaways for the audience. Provide a handout.
A new or interesting angle. What aspect of your presentation will drive attendees to your session?
Thoughtful preparation. Practice makes perfect!
An engaging presenter — your audience is eager and well-informed. Talk with them, not at them.
**We reserve the right to pull a session that doesn’t make sufficient progress, or isn’t indicating excellence.**
Want a better idea of sessions we’re looking for? Take a look at our Breakout Sessions from ComNet18 — especially the slide decks and notes.