field trips
One of the wonderful opportunities afforded us as ComNet moves to a different city each year is the chance to visit cutting-edge organizations and connect with communications experts in the local community. For ComNet19 we are offering 7 immersive, only-in-Austin experiences that will give you the opportunity to learn first hand from the leading comms practitioners in our host city.
By signing up for one of our Field Trips, you'll come away with a fun and enlightening Austin experience, gain new friends, and expand your professional network.
Before signing up, please note:
You must be registered for the conference before signing up to participate.
All Field Trip options will be on Wednesday, October 2.
Participation is $150 for all registered conference attendees.
Field Trips and Pre-Conference Workshops run concurrently.
Due to limited opportunity, you may only sign up for one trip.
In the spirit of fairness, we ask that only one person per organization attend any one trip.
Once all experiences are filled, a follow-up email will be sent outlining additional details.
Note: No cancellations or changes will be made after August 9th. If you would like to make a change, please email Stacy The deadline to register is Wednesday, September 25th.
Instructions to Purchase: In order to complete your registration select the Field Trip you’re interested in click “Add to Cart”, then click the little shopping cart in the top, right-hand corner of your screen, continue to “Checkout,” and complete your billing information.
*All Field Trip options will be on Wednesday, October 2. *
Visualization of where these locations are in relation to the Conference Hotel and Airport to aid in your trip planning.
Field Trips are graciously sponsored by our friends at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.